1 definition by Baties0922

TurtleOfPotato or otherwise know as “PotatoTurtle”, is an artist that is based on Twitter and Youtube.

His style of art is a bit of a mix but you can always tell it’s his artwork. It can be a mixture of really dark and spooky to some really cute looking stuff. A lot of people really love his art, it’s very pleasing to the eye, you can tell he’s very talented and continues to improve over time.

He can be overly edgy but that’s just part of his charm. He does it as a joke, which a lot of his followers run with. He engages with his following when he can, but of course real life stuff comes into play and he does get himself down at times but isn’t that the way with a lot of people?

His name is Shaun (not spelled Shawn like that other dumbass definition says it’s spelled), he’s British and he is in full time work as well as trying his best to improve his art in his spare time.

He does art trades, requests and commissions when he can and will deliver even if some take some time.

There is also this inner circle joke about him copying MetalNeck, another great artist on Twitter. But both are friends and they like to joke around about it which is publicly shared on their twitters.

If you like dark weird art and some cute pieces (chibis) then give the boy a follow on the Twitter.
“TurtleOfPotato does really creepy digital art but other styles as well.”
“PotatoTurtle can be so edgy at times, but that’s just part of the joke.”
by Baties0922 February 15, 2019
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