2 definitions by BalanceVerity

Prophism - is a new philosophical movement of this century. To seek self truth. It is believed those who follow this accept God and Jesus such as Christians. A Proph must deeply believe in seeking to harness infinite knowledge. Not to have barriers. To have understanding of all. To accept we're ignorant and hypocrites. Learn to change. Not eagerly cast hate onto one's way of life. To inform not influence. You see humans are comprised by emotions, which makes their views flawed. So we seek to only inform not influence to mislead. To have love for all who show it, not forget action upon us. No limits. No expectations. No false judgement. Ask. Seek balance. One cannot be open-minded by sustaining themselves to one side. This idea stems from the roots of Christianity and the philosophical teachings of the Bible. We’re a leaf from the tree of Christian’s not a branch of religion. We seek to understand while informing others.

Prophism is a mix between prophet and " –ism". We're the unknown seeking to bask into known. No leaders. No followers. Just ideas. It's better to be calm and silent. Unless one honest, truthful in what you speak. Ensure you're prepared to accept consequences of your words. All choices have consequences staying scared has the worst ones. Never allow someone to poison your peace. Accept your flaws. Build from them. Don't seek power. If you are worthy it will find you.

Our virtues are: Faithfulness, service, integrity, diligence, assertiveness, wisdom, peace.
Outsider: Did you hear about that uncanny doctrine called Prophism? Sounds like another deception.

Student of Prophism: For one to incertitude, one must fully ascertain and understand before speaking.

Outsider: I read about being in the mindset of a Proph, sounds like another imitative dogma.

Student of Prophism: All teachings come from a foundation. It is better to ask then to assume.
by BalanceVerity December 24, 2021
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A way to evolve your mentality and balance out knowledge. The study of Prophism. A idealist whom understands views can easily be corrupted. Seeks to find the truth among the chaos of confusion. Being a Proph is not religion it's a way of self. While Prophism is influenced from Christianity and infinite self knowledge. We have morals and views that're seen as passing over the walls that're confined. While others struggle for purpose and truth. We seamlessly balance out both. We're not to be compared to any other philosophy as Proph's have no leaders or higher knowledge. We're all one, we're all balanced. We seek always for more. If you run into a Proph they most likely will never show negativity on those who cast it. But will keep the actions of the person in mind. We live in the present of life day by day spreading knowledge to those willing to learn.
Stranger: Did you see that new philosophical group? About being a Proph?

Proph: Well yes of course, but it's not a group it's an idea, a way of mind and self. We seek to inform and acknowledge we're not knowing. But willing to understand all.
by BalanceVerity December 25, 2021
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