1 definition by Badgerous Gra

Small polythene recepticle containing approximately 0.8 grams of novocaine, talcum powder and self-raising flour.
Commonly hawked in the pubs and bars of Blackpool by craven miscreants with the guile and finesse of a hippo and the morals of a psychopath.

Cocaine, Charlie, Chaz, Tram, Nose, Bolivian Marching Powder
Jim: Fucking hell I was pissed last night. I paid £40 for a Nosebag off of Dodgy Dave!!

Jonny: You tight cunt I asked you for a line and you said you had fuck all!!!

Jim: You didn't miss much mate, it was a bag of wank!!
by Badgerous Gra January 31, 2008
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