1 definition by Badcat118

Song by the Sweedish Heavy Metal band Sabaton from their album of the same name.
The song is very commonly used for For Honor and Crusade memes

The song is commonly mistaken to describe the Crusades but instead depicts the Sack of Rome in 1527 during which combined forces of around 5,200 soldiers including 189 swiss guard defended Rome from mainly Spainish troops.

The song focuses on the last stand of the Swiss guard and their "service to heaven" in which they defended the Pope and
"gave their lives on the steps of heaven"

These steps being the steps of St. Peter's Basilica from where the Pope planned to escape from via his (not so secret) secret passageway known as the Passeto Di Borgo to his Impregnable fortress called Castel Sant Angelo. The Pope was accompanied and defened by the remaining 42 Swiss Guard that was left. The escape to the fortress is referenced in the verse
"Under guard of 42
Along a secret avenue
Castle saint Angelo is waiting"

147 of the 189 Swiss guard were killed during The Sack of Rome along with 500 millita and around 45,000 civillians who were killed, exiled or taken prisoner.
'hey did you see that lastest For Honor meme?'
'the one that used The Last Stand by Sabaton?'
'Yeah that one'
by Badcat118 August 6, 2020
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