2 definitions by Babbersnabber

A portmanteau of “vague” and “vegan.”

One who enjoys eating vegan and the idea of a vegan lifestyle, but also enjoys a wide variety of other foods and the freedom of being able to choose to eat those foods.

Can be used as both an adjective and a noun.
Friend: Want some eggs?

Me: Nah, I’m a vegan now.

Friend: But you’re getting a chicken cutlet sandwich from that famous deli for lunch.

Me: Well, yeah, I’m technically *vaguen*.
by Babbersnabber June 19, 2019
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A portmanteau of “vague” and “vegan.” One who enjoys eating vegan and the idea of a vegan lifestyle, but also enjoys a wide variety of other foods and the freedom of being able to choose to eat those foods.
Can be used as both an adjective and a noun.
Friend: Want some eggs?
Me: Nah, I’m vegan now.
Friend: But you’re getting a chicken cutlet sandwich from that famous deli for lunch.
Me: Well, yeah, I’m technically *vaguen*.
by Babbersnabber June 19, 2019
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