3 definitions by B_ spitta

Will fuck your friends. Try to get in circles and get involved where he doesnt belong. Also can make you feel special when he does that to everyone. Passer of stds and dipps to ur friends. Weird
"Weird bruh over there trying to talk to my lady when his date is next to him"
"Typical Florian, beat him up"
"I might have too"
by B_ spitta June 26, 2019
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White trash women beater name.
If you date a dale know that it is way to much work and you usually get left in the cold like his exs he said were "crazy". When in reality he plays mind games and cheats and lies. Even to you right now. Also more then likely has a chode
"Look at that dale in a wife beater over there"
"Gives off emo qife beater vibes"
"He wont break eye contact"
"Dude, what a weird Dale"
by B_ spitta June 26, 2019
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Wanna be skater name. Very shy but tries to act detatched like it intrigues people. Really boring if you date him and also unoriginal. Also a mommas boy that crys to her for money to fund whatever he needs to do. Always upset about something. Emotional.
Fake. Jealous and selfish
"See that guy in the panda shirt in the corner just staring at us, is he waiting for someone"
"He gives off women beater vibes your right, Total josh cat over there."
"Your right a total josh"
by B_ spitta June 25, 2019
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