3 definitions by BOOTYKINGKAISER001

The Sly Effect is when a person originally good but after time passes they slowly turn into a bad person.
Persson: Ricegum has been effected by the sly effect
Larsson: What does that mean?
Persson: It means he used to be good but now he's a monster
by BOOTYKINGKAISER001 March 11, 2021
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A Dreamy is a young female (usually a homosexual from northern Europe) that dedicates their worthless life on the internet. She is known for abusing her powers to punish people she does not like or do not like her. She is also known for giving nudes to pedophiles and lying about her age for clout and more perms on servers.
Leo: My friend is a Dreamy
JapaneseChad1001: You should block your friend, she is very dangerous if she is a Dreamy...
Leo: Sure.
by BOOTYKINGKAISER001 December 17, 2021
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A "Kaledrone" refers to a discord moderator that is so abusive that the word "abusive" can't describe that moderator properly. This Discord Mod is usually dark skin and only got Moderator rank to prey on E-girls on the server and attempt to destroy anyone who isn't dumb enough for his tomfoolery. To summarize; a Kaledrone is a morally corrupt deranged individual on Discord who gets Mod rank everywhere.
Person 1: Hey man, be careful from Tanjeel Leo, he is a Kaledrone!
Person 2: Okay, I will block him so I never can interact with him.
by BOOTYKINGKAISER001 December 9, 2021
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