1 definition by Azyur except Æ

The result of inputting all letters in the English (US) iPhone keyboard in the QWERTY format from Q to P, A to Ł, Z to M (including umlauts, æ and œ, you get the idea.) You were likely bored while searching this up. Have you done your homework?
(Did I miss any characters? If so, which ones and where do I put them?)
There is no real meaning for the string of letters that is qweèéêëēėęrtÿuüùúūîïíīįìoôöòóœøōõpaàáâäæãåāsßśšdfghjklłzžźżxcçćčvbnñńm, although it sure is fun to type and releases some boredom.
by Azyur except Æ November 3, 2019
Get the qweèéêëēėęrtÿuüùúūîïíīįìoôöòóœøōõpaàáâäæãåāsßśšdfghjklłzžźżxcçćčvbnñńm mug.