1 definition by AyeRB67

Pingry is a private high school located in Basking Ridge, NJ. The school is known to be inferior at almost every sport except soccer, and one of the most academically challenging schools in NJ. The social scene is a bit fucked up, because there are literally only two groups that are polar opposites, the rich white kids who have parties every friday night (who only hang out with you if you have money, are good at sports, or hook up with girls), and the completely nerdy kids who get straight As and play gamecube on their PC during free time. If you don't fit into one of those groups, well, you're fucked.
Person: Oh you go to Pingry?

Pingry student: Yeah

Person: Wait, how have you not killed yourself yet
by AyeRB67 January 11, 2016
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