1 definition by AyeMyDudes

Someone who will ruin your entire fucking life. Sure, the feeling may feel wonderful at first, that is until you realize that you either
A) have no chance with them
B) realize how fucking retarded you are for liking them
C) See all of their negative traits and automatically despise them
D) They reject your confession
E) they put you on r/niceguys / r/nicegirls

Now if you're lucky who knows, you may get into a relationship, get married, get a house together, have 2 kids and a golden retriever, debt, divorce papers and a restraining order.
Friend 1: Dude I have the biggest crush on Ashley!
Friend 2: That's too bad.
Friend 1: Why?
Friend 2: You know she still likes Sword Art Online right?

Friend 1: Holy shit man thanks for warning me
by AyeMyDudes July 24, 2018
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