2 definitions by Awesomestar385

Arsenal is a game on Roblox, an online game where you can make your own games. Arsenal is a FPS shooter game where the goal is to get enough kills to reach the Golden Knife, then get a kill with that and win. It's a hard game when you start out, but very fun. Lots of Roblox commentary youtubers play this game in the background, such as KonekoKitten and ChloeGames
"Want to play Roblox Arsenal later?"
"Sure bro, bet you I can get the Golden Knife faster than you!"
by Awesomestar385 June 11, 2020
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He is a male Roblox YouTuber who commentates on situations in Roblox, and real life. He also plays Team Fortress 2 in his spare time. He has FABULOUS hair and a lot of fans. Subscribe to him, he is almost at a million subscribers as of June 2020.
"Hey, did you see the newest KonekoKitten video about Lisa Gaming?"
"Yeah, he explained the situation perfectly!"
by Awesomestar385 June 11, 2020
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