1 definition by Awesomemeg2005

Megan is the most attractive girl you will ever meet. If you really like her don’t waist time on staring into her beautiful eyes because there so many guys that are waiting to have her all to themselves

She is probably the most smart and loyal person you will ever meet. When you first meet her, that night and on you wi be thinking about her.

The most common guys to get her are guys with blonde or dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She is an amazing friend who loves to help people out and loves saving animals. If you see a Megan try to be friends or girlfriends with her as quick as possible.

98.5% of Megan are talented and smart and has lot of self esteem. But is super hot and a great mom.
Girl 1: I wish I was a Megan she has so many guys chasing her!
Girl 2: well she is my bestie so back off!
Hot guy 1: wow, calm down girls she’s mine
Guy 2: no she’s mine!!!!!
by Awesomemeg2005 December 22, 2017
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