2 definitions by Aszthma

Westhoughton High School is the place where all the year 11s look like middle aged men, until you get into year 11 and see that nearly all of your mates have the mental age of an undeveloped foetus. You'll most likely despise the majority of your teachers who's only aim is to make a living, and by the time you're in year 11 and your GCSE exams come around, your Maths will be your best mate. During your time in Westhoughton, you'll achieve a decent standard of education, unless you happen to join the 80% of students on hard drugs. In which case you are most likely fucked. Don't forget that you will miss the dinner ladies, so use your time wisely.
Friend1: "So, who are you gonna miss now that we've left Westhoughton High School?"

Friend2: "Gonna have to be the dinner lady ;("
by Aszthma May 30, 2019
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Reece is the fittest guy to ever walk the Earth. Anyone who witnesses Reece is extremely lucky to see all those muscles he gets from working hard at the gym. He also is fantastic in bed.
Girl1: Wow is that girl with a Reece?!

Girl2: Yeah, she must be so lucky!
by Aszthma August 16, 2018
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