1 definition by AsifKhan333

A term primarily used as a shaming tactic to describe:

1. Anyone who disagrees with a feminist viewpoint.

Example: Believing that the gender wage gap is not due to workplace discrimination but different choices made by women.

2. Anyone who points out a double standard against men.

Example: Men find fat women unattractive: Shallow, immature pigs who hold women to unrealistic beauty standards. Women find short men unattractive: Preferences

3. Anyone who questions the feminist concept of male privilege.

Example: Pointing out that men have shorter lifespans, poorer work-life balance, higher homelessness rates, make up the vast majority of workplace deaths and suicides, and are treated unfavorably in courts compared to women.

4. Anyone who points out that women have it better in certain areas of life

Example: Men still being largely expected to make the first move in dating and pay on dates.
John is a raging misogynist for siding with studies showing that below the age of 30, women are in fact earning more than their male counterparts.
by AsifKhan333 February 15, 2017
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