274 definitions by AshleY

Someone who has a hairy ass... I MEAN A REAL hairy ass.
Hey up there, hang your ass out the window and ill climb up. I WILL SAVE YOU!!!
by AshleY January 12, 2005
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A cool Chick, Who Usually can be found driving a jetta and eating Wendys.
Wow, Did u see that Pusser?
by AshleY August 24, 2004
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That is such a schipsal;or Your acting like a schnipsal
by AshleY May 8, 2004
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strang abnormal tubastyle binbag dycke funny makes faces and enjoys sex
ashley peace is all of the above and enjoys using the words above
by AshleY March 2, 2005
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1) A shitty, over dramatic television show consisting of one ugly girl named Misha Barton. They are ruiners of indie rock.

2) An adjective used to describe something pointless and overrated.
1) The O.C. should be cancelled forever.

2) This school has gone so O.C.
by AshleY April 24, 2004
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When in the situation of fucking someone and then saying something very idiotic.
I left as soon as I could because I pulled a "fuck stutter" at Justin's place.
by AshleY March 18, 2004
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