12 definitions by ArsHole

Short for Ars Technica, one of the premier technical websites on the internet.
by ArsHole August 22, 2003
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A warrior of the highest caliber and a denizen of Ars IRC.
More than capable of whacking your sorry ass, muthafucka.
DiePilot carries - but he doesn't have to.
by ArsHole August 22, 2003
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Prickly bastard who likes to flame circle jerking fucktards who post shitty threads.
Stasis7 crapped the thread.
by ArsHole August 22, 2003
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Ingestor of the 7 key.
Holy Fuck! He just did a qwerpafw on that keyboard!
by ArsHole August 24, 2003
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To end a relationship, esp. with a lover.
Your girlfriend is clinically insane. You need to norrick her immediately and find someone else.
by ArsHole August 27, 2003
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