1 definition by Arbeto De Soule

Faitheism is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of faith, purpose, and love in navigating life's uncertainties and finding meaning and fulfilment in personal experiences and relationships. The philosophy posits that God and the universe are one and the same, and that by embracing the inherent complexity of existence and finding beauty and meaning in the diversity of experiences and relationships, we can navigate life's challenges with resilience and purpose.

Faitheism draws upon many philosophical and religious schools of thought. The Stoics emphasized the importance of resilience and inner strength in the face of adversity, and the Existentialists explored the search for meaning and purpose in a seemingly meaningless world. The Judeo-Christian tradition emphasized the importance of faith, purpose, and love in finding meaning and fulfilment in life, and the Eastern religions emphasized the interconnectedness of all things.

Faitheism is not meant to exclude or supersede these traditions, but rather to draw upon them and provide a more contemporary, holistic perspective on the search for meaning and purpose in life. Faitheism recognizes the inherent complexity and uncertainty of existence and emphasizes the importance of faith, purpose, and love in navigating life's challenges with resilience and purpose.
Faitheism is a modern philosophy reflecting a nuanced and considered view of reality.
by Arbeto De Soule February 14, 2023
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