1 definition by Aquamarine127

Ra is the Egyptian Ra (Re) was the primary name of the sun god of Ancient Egypt. He was often considered to be the King of the Gods and thus the patron of the pharaoh and one of the central gods of the Egyptian pantheon. He was also described as the creator of everything.

The ancient Egyptians believed that Ra was swallowed every night by the sky goddess Nut, and was reborn every morning. The ancient Egyptians also believed that he travelled through the underworld at night.

Shena stems from Scottish Gaelic roots meaning “God is Gracious”

Together the two names come together to form Ra’ Shena, which has multiple meanings:
-1) The light of our gracious god
-2) The light of our life given to us by the grace of God
-3) The center of our world that lights up our life, just as the sun is for our solar system, who would go to Hell and back every night for those whom they care for
-4) A great, powerful, and gracious leader who brings light and life to those in need, and is of such character that some revere them as they would a god.
-5) Gracious light reborn to the world

-6) Strength, Light, Grace, Resilience, Loyalty, Leadership, and Warmth
“That Ra’Shena is something else isn’t she”
“For sure! With one word she can command a room”
“Not only that, with a smile she can light up a room and help anyone feel a little bit stronger, but if you cross her, she gives you this look that makes you want to crawl into a hole and just disappear”
“I wonder if that’s part of the reason why she’s such a natural leader... she always seems to have everyone’s best interest at heart, and no one wants to get on her bad side...”
“Yeah. That’s definitely one possiblity”
by Aquamarine127 February 16, 2020
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