4 definitions by Antonime

A type of guy that are into cars and anime
Person 1: is there anything you’re into besides anime?

Person 2: yep I’m also a car guy myself

Person 1: so that makes you a car guy weeb

Person 2: absolutely right sir
by Antonime March 23, 2021
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The world’s stupidest national “holiday” ever created by “the boys 🥶😈😹👎🏽“ like seriously y’all mfs making us boys look bad and stupid, if you’re taking part of it, I hope you drop the soap in prison
I swear who ever created this national rape day, I wish nothing but the worst luck possible for him
by Antonime April 23, 2021
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Some lonely no life person behind a screen that just hates on a famous celebrity on the internet and the internet only cause they scared to keep that same energy when they actually see or meet that celebrity in person
I don’t get why no life mfs hate on polo g on the internet, keep that same energy when y’all actually see him in person you no life nethaters, like fr find something better to do other than hating on people that have a life and make more money than you on the net when ik damn well you mfs ain’t gonna do shit in person
by Antonime June 13, 2021
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A term created by the moist man himself, is someone that has nothing besides a micropenis, holds fake giveaways which is clearly a felon, does unnecessary flexing, and uploads unfunny pranks and uploads dead fake 3AM challenges
Ricegum is a douchetuber that putted his audience full of kids in a gambling addiction
by Antonime March 18, 2021
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