5 definitions by Anotherwiseguywholikespussy

A chip that makes a gamer go insane
Gamer 1: bro you know what Doritos are

Gamer 2: nah bro

Gamer 1: one sec gotta put my dick in a bag of Doritos and make my bitch suck the dust off the tip

Gamer 1’s bitch: (moaning) oh yeah

Gamer 2: bro get me some fucking Doritos
by Anotherwiseguywholikespussy January 3, 2022
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Random rapper: Ipmdiabod like fuck this bitch with Dorito dust on my tip she be loving the flavor
by Anotherwiseguywholikespussy January 3, 2022
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Person one: Dkscgdudgcjzkq ebebdoudgdjcivdnditbgwbjywhdjcjdjo red izlxpcp olcoctjfogiifigi
Person two: Dkscgdudgcjzkq ebebdoudgdjcivdnditbgwbjywhdjcjdjo red izlxpcp olcoctjfogiifigi you too
by Anotherwiseguywholikespussy January 3, 2022
Get the Dkscgdudgcjzkq ebebdoudgdjcivdnditbgwbjywhdjcjdjo red izlxpcp olcoctjfogiifigi mug.