1 definition by AnonymousQuere

Origin: early 21st century slang alteration of "sorrypoop".
Defined more or less as a poop that just won't flush, no matter how many times you try flushing the toilet and seems sorry to go.

The use of the word "sozzy" in the language of Typo with suffix "poo" added therefore becomes a "Sozzypoo".
Bob: "Oh Darnit, I've got another Sozzypoo who is looking back at me holding onto the toilet with all his might".
Jill: "Flush again!"
Bob: "He just won't go. I think he is sad about leaving...afterall he and I were together rather tightly for a bit".
Jill: "It's just a poop"
Bob: "Oh, that nice to say. What if I called that baby of yours that was inside of you 'just a poop'?!"
by AnonymousQuere June 7, 2014
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