1 definition by Anonymous stranger 1

The most beautiful man alive who rivals god himself. He's somehow everything good ever all at once and nobody can compare with him or even get near his level of higher intelect and sheer strength in every huge muscle in his humungous gigantomachea Egyptian god like body. Ridge is the coolest guy i know and that is an indisputable, objective fact. Anyone who disagrees is a lower level thinking troglodyte with absolutely zero redeeming qualities. In conclusion, Ridge is the best person ever created and i have never been so grateful for having something as when i met him. He is intelligent, strong, hot, and most importantly, cooler than the arctic breeze. I must go meet him so he can solve all of my problems within seconds with little effort and make me a better person. Goodbye losers for you shall not compare to Ridge, the ultimate being.
Wow Ridge is so cool omg i can't believe he accidentally bumped into me im gonna faint rn
by Anonymous stranger 1 February 11, 2021
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