1 definition by Anonymous Autumn Breeze

A 108 year old vampire that is frozen in time in a seventeen year old body and mind(besides the fact he is oh so super smart). The love interest of Bella Swan and they eventually get married and have a hybrid. He has a lot of fan girls, a lot of haters, and a lot of neutrals. He is too over protective, he watched Bella in her sleep before they actually met(who does that?!).

Has a bad relationship with Jacob and most of Bella's guy friends. He is described as perfect(which is boring). All of the other characters-even BELLA!-- have more personality than him yet most of them are rejected and only some people pay attention to them. Oh, and did I mention he sparkles?

Girl:"O-M-G Edward Cullen is so smexy!"
guy:"You mean the pedo vampire stalker?"
girl:"Yup!" <3

Direct quote from book:
"And you’re worried, not because you’re headed to meet a houseful of vampires, but because you think those vampires won’t approve of you, correct?"
by Anonymous Autumn Breeze April 13, 2009
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