1 definition by Anish is chill

A really weird guy that not a lot of people understand. But he's always optimistic and really happy with his life, friends and family. He loves everyone but he just cant find that special someone yet(Ladies i'm single). He is also the best pathfinder to ever walk the earth. He's just the guy that you love to hate but hate to love. Not only that but he does some really weird things like stay up for 72 hours, dye whatever facial hair he has red, and shaves cacti. Another weird thing he did was to type this definition. Every relationship he has gotten into didn't really work because no one really understood him. He just can't find someone else to talk to and relate to. Overall Anish is an incredible guy that's just a lone wolf.
Anish is a pretty weird but chill guy.
by Anish is chill June 11, 2019
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