9 definitions by Andy The Great

Derogatory term – used in a ironic way – refers to a wide range of females of any age – sixteen year old moms, women with a half ton of gold in each ear and a sovereign ring on each finger – women who smoke and accidentally drop cigarette ash on there child head, women who drink white lightning – straight from the bottle, women who buy jewellery from Elizabeth Duke, fat women who wear tight clothes. The list is pretty much endless
Atomic kittenGirls Aloud – Anyone on benefit – all Klassy Lassy
by Andy The Great July 21, 2003
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Adj: - derogative term - Someone of a lower (or no) class – Usually found in large packs in city centres – can be of any age (although motherhood stats at 14) – standard attire – Tracksuit bottoms – fake Burberry caps – jewellery from Elisabeth Duke of Argos. Derived from the fact they breathe through there mouths.
1; the mouth breathers stood in the dole queue.
2; the mouth breathers considered Primark to be an expensive shop.
3; the mouth breathers were unfamiliar with the concept of books or chewing with ones mouth closed.
by Andy The Great July 21, 2003
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