1 definition by Andrew A. & Zach P.

When a male enters a vagina for the first time, it is very pleasant, unless the female has Cunt Junk. When the male enters the female's vagina and encounters Cunt Junk, he should immediately withdraw. There is no way of knowing what is in there. Females can use a wide array of items to incite pleasure in themselves. When one of these items becomes lodged inside, it then belongs to the cunt and is known as Cunt Junk. If this particular female is very sexy, one may try to douche the item out. DO NOT TRY TO DISLODGE ITEM IF IT IS UNCLEAR WHAT THE ITEM IS!!! If it does not douche out, immediately seek medical attention.
(Superman then rips her in half)
by Andrew A. & Zach P. August 18, 2006
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