2 definitions by Andrew "Pimpter" Pinter

1. A microwave in which a massive amount of ketamine is cooked over a long period of time.
2. A term used to describe a microwave that cooks more ketamine than food.
Desperate for some more ketamine, Carlos and I scraped the walls of the ketawave.
by Andrew "Pimpter" Pinter December 9, 2005
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1. A role of coins wrapped in electrical tape and used as a combat apparatus. This weapon is commonly found in New Jersey, hence its name.

2. A term used to define northern New Jersey or the New Jersey shore.
1. I didn't have my brass knuckles so I resorted to the dirty jersey.

2. We accidentally crossed the George Washington Bridge and ended up in dirty jersey.
by Andrew "Pimpter" Pinter December 9, 2005
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