2 definitions by AnInnuendo

A girl you'll meet in elementary school, and promptly forget about for the next 5 years until high school, at which point she will show up and blow your mind with brains and looks. You, being an idiot, still have no interest, but will proceed to become her closest friend, at which point everybody who knows you, (and I mean everybody) will start to assume you're dating. It is then you will start to take an interest, and possibly manage to snag her before you regret it.
Elementary School-
Everyone + You: Hey, that's Minh Vu, shes cool. End of story.

5 years later:

High School -
Everyone: Damn!, that's Minh Vu?!

You: I don't get it, what's so special?

Minh - proceeds to reject everyone who tries to get close 'xcept for YOU.

You: I still don't get it. (you're a little bit slow/dense)

Everyone * 1000: Are you dating Minh Vu yet?

You * 1000: w h a t? no! why would I do that?

turns around and finally takes a good look at Minh.

You: Oh, I get it now... (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
by AnInnuendo August 24, 2019
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Damn, That Minh Vu really knows math.
by AnInnuendo August 24, 2019
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