1 definition by Alyssa’s secret

Ashley’s are amazing overall. Ashleys are usually tall, but fit. Ashley is Someone you can lean on for emotional support or the ones you go to for advise. Ashley’s are athletic and super outgoing. The aren’t afraid to be themselves and will always make you laugh. Their usually involved in a lot of school activities and clubs, and most likely played more than one sport. Ashley’s are always very pretty, even though they don’t realize it. They may feel insecure about their body or beauty, but everyone else knows how pretty they are. I had an Ashley as a volleyball coach once, she was amazing. If you have an Ashley in your life hold her close and don’t let her go because she’s one of the best friends you’ll ever have.
Chad: hey Ashley can you hang out this weekend?
Ashley: sorry I can’t, I have student council, pep club, a band choir, and volleyball.
Chad: Wow, you really are busy.
Ashley: I guess it’s just who I am.
by Alyssa’s secret October 5, 2018
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