2 definitions by AllIDoIsWIN1134

A variation of the sexual Good Cop/Bad Cop routine (see as reference). Instead of tag teaming with a mask the good cop must simply leave the room. The second male (the mentally disabled cop) must then come in and act as if he were a mentally disabled person and proceed to abruptly rape the good cop's "partner." This tactic is much more abusive and should only be used as punishment.
Hey Brandt, do you want to good cop/bad cop your girlfriend this weekend?
No, she cheated on me, lets good cop/mentally disabled cop her!
by AllIDoIsWIN1134 March 24, 2011
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Good Cop/Bad Cop

A very risky sexual endeavor likely to be confused as rape. To successfully complete the good cop/bad cop routine, two male friends, similar in body mass and height, must first plan how the routine is to be carried out. One friend (the good cop) must ask his girlfriend or other "partner" to participate in foreplay. The good cop must dress up as a police officer and proceed to handcuff the female to the bed. He then must put on a mask and and leave the room. After leaving the room he is to hand the mask off to his friend (the bad cop) and tag him in. The bad cop, dressed exactly as the good cop, is then free to complete whatever sexual activity he wants on the female. It is considered common courtesy to remove the mask and reveal the true identity of the bad cop, but it is optional to leave the mask on and switch back without the female finding out.
Hey Brandt, do you want to Good Cop/Bad Cop your girlfriend this weekend?
Yes, I think she will be very surprised!
by AllIDoIsWIN1134 March 24, 2011
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