1 definition by Alexa J.

Wife of the famous Arab poet Nizar Qabbani who made her his main theme and inspiration due to her beauty.

Queen of Sheba, or Queen Balqis, as she is famous in the Arab World, was very influential, wealthy and famous during her rein, some 3000 years ago. The stories about her are so intriguing and conflicting. She is mentioned not only in the Holy Quran and Bible, but also in legendary tales that extend from Ethiopia to India, Persia and Arabia. She was so wise that several peoples, mainly Ethiopians, claim that she is the founder of the dynasty that ruled Ethiopia and was overthrown only some 30 years ago.

Of Muslim origin/culture for Girl name with history and fame details

That girl definitely has the beauty of Balqis in her.
by Alexa J. March 26, 2009
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