1 definition by Alex2045

The ideal girlfriend. A bisexual bombshell, she has NICE curves in all the right places. I’m talking double ds, abs and legs for days, and all of that. Straight A student, loves to help out anyone if they ask her for assistance. Will buy you food if you date her, and will always pay on a date (claims to have been raised with amazing manners). Your parents love her more than they love you, since she is Jesus in female form. She has a certain charm to her that makes her so irritatingly perfect, with no flaws at all. Her voice is soft as velvet, and she is so very talented in many different ways.
Person a: “hey dude who are you taking to prom?”
Person b: “I might ask Taira, my parents would do anything for that girl.”
Person a: “dude do you hear that hot chick sing?”
Person b: “yeah that’s Taira, she’s cool like that
by Alex2045 April 22, 2019
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