1 definition by Alex Glassweaver

A democrat is one of five possible degrees of view. (the five being radical, liberal, moderate, conservative, and reactionary) The moderate is a neutral standpoint where radicals and liberals are degrees of democrats (radicals being the extreme) and conservatives and reactionaries being the republican viewpoints (reactionaries being the extreme)

The democratic view point changed to be more of a moderate party during the 2006 midterm senate elections. Today we classify a democrat as someone who believes in:
-Privacy with limited government observation
-Pro-choice, but with certain limitations such as that partial birth abortions should not be allowed.
-Protection of the environment through uses of alternative fuel sources and cleaner practices, though not so much that our standards of life decrease.
- A strong government that helps people through well fare, shelters, and other means of aid, though not a governemt that will allow "mooching"
- Taxes being left as percentages, so everyone has to pay _% of their income to taxes, with exceptions for the extreme cases of poverty.

the symbol for a democrat is a donkey while the republican is an elephant. Also, democrats are generally represented by the color blue while the republicans are represented by red.

During the 109'th congress, the democrats where the majority composition of the house of representatives.
have tried to disregard my own viewpoints while writing this. Please take into consideration that most democrats and republicans are liberals and conservatives, not reactionaries and radicals. Most people think of the opposing party as radicals or conservatives simply making more tension. Both parties have some pros to them and both have some cons.
by Alex Glassweaver November 9, 2006
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