1 definition by Alex O'Berra

The process of societal degradation as manifested by the exaltation of all things relating to negro "culture". White persons opposing this phenomenon and it's effects upon their cultures/nations are to be quickly smeared as "racists" and ostracized from polite society.
"One negro moves in the neighborhood, smiles like he's going to be a GOOD neighbor. Then two, three move in and by the time the "'Hood" reaches 30% non-White the smiles disappear, the grass doesn't get mowed, the bass thumps appear from passing cars and the neighborhood "strangely" becomes a textbook example of Negrification;

Otherwise intelligent young White men dressing/talking/acting like "gangsta" thugs;

The importation of incredibly stupid "sayings" into the English vernacular, like "bootylicious", "gangsta" or "boo-yah".
by Alex O'Berra February 9, 2008
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