3 definitions by Alex Freeman
A show on G4TV Network that follows the lives of 1980's game programmers Dave and his best friend Jerry. They work for a company called Gameavision, a name play on the classic game company Activision, and are constantly causing problems (and in the 3rd episode leaving, only to return after their failed company, Stonervision, goes baknrupt) at the company. The show is animated in an 8-bit art style, and much of the show's humor is based off of video games.
Code Monkeys Episode 2, E.T
Dave: One more question, why is my penis green?
Jerry: Well I can explain that too, because around 2 a.m., high out of your mind Dave, you painted it so it would look like, and I quote, "A sexual serpant capable of spitting its venom everywhere."
Dave: Damn it, I knew I was a genius.
Dave: One more question, why is my penis green?
Jerry: Well I can explain that too, because around 2 a.m., high out of your mind Dave, you painted it so it would look like, and I quote, "A sexual serpant capable of spitting its venom everywhere."
Dave: Damn it, I knew I was a genius.
by Alex Freeman August 4, 2007
A term (sometimes considered derogatory) that describes a gamer that only plays casual games, or many other games on the easiest setting and think that they are hardcore or "real" gamers. They often think if a game is too hard, it's a bad game, but they really just lack the skill to play it.
Many Softcorians put down a good game because it does not baby you, since they play games like Madden and Halo. Many Softcorians put down the games Devil May Cry 3 and Ninja Gaiden.
Many Softcorians put down a good game because it does not baby you, since they play games like Madden and Halo. Many Softcorians put down the games Devil May Cry 3 and Ninja Gaiden.
Gamer: Hey man, want to play Virtua Fighter 4?
Softcorian: Dude, I hate that game, it sucks! Let's play Mortal Kombat, that's a game for REAL gamers.
Gamer: Softcorian moron...
Softcorian: Dude, I hate that game, it sucks! Let's play Mortal Kombat, that's a game for REAL gamers.
Gamer: Softcorian moron...
by Alex Freeman August 4, 2007
A term (sometimes considered derogatory) that describes a gamer that only plays casual games, or many other games on the easiest setting and think that they are hardcore or "real" gamers. They often think if a game is too hard, it's a bad game, but they really just lack the skill to play it.
Many Softcorians put down a good game because it does not baby you, since they play games like Madden and Halo. Many Softcorians put down the games Devil May Cry 3 and Ninja Gaiden.
Many Softcorians put down a good game because it does not baby you, since they play games like Madden and Halo. Many Softcorians put down the games Devil May Cry 3 and Ninja Gaiden.
Gamer: Hey man, want to play Virtua Fighter 4?
Softcorian: Dude, I hate that game, it sucks! Let's play Mortal Kombat, that's a game for REAL gamers.
Gamer: Softcorian moron...
Softcorian: Dude, I hate that game, it sucks! Let's play Mortal Kombat, that's a game for REAL gamers.
Gamer: Softcorian moron...
by Alex Freeman July 23, 2007