1 definition by Alanicus

FONKAW (Aphorism) : Fear Of Not Knowing A Word.

See FOMO1 - Fear Of Missing Out.

An acronym that came about in early 2022 in the UK, persists local to Oxfordshire and is growing in number of users. It was brought about because of the increasing "generation Z" acronym and slang usage of shortened or abbreviated words.

The irony of it's meaning and subsequent usage is clear, so when it's meaning is revealed, people are said to be "FONKAW no more".

It's usage is not intended as a reference to not knowing 'just any old word', but rather refers to the confusion around the acronyms and slang used in modern youth vocabulary.
Chelsea : "Yeah man, why not? YOLO2, right?"

Shenika : "Ha, yeah for sure YOLO."

Jeremy : "Um, What's YOLO?"

Chelsea : "Uh Oh, Jezza got FONKAW of YOLO, LOLz."Shenika : "You Only Live Once, Jez."

Jeremy : "Ah now I get it, thanks."

Chelsea : "FONKAW no more."
by Alanicus May 24, 2022
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