1 definition by Al-mal

The butcher of animeThe make the show more American friendly so they are
offended when the see some thing on the tv program that
they find upsetting I live in America and I getting a little sick
of all the changes in anime that 4Kids makes when they
get it licensed over here. I hae got all my comp isp address block
try to fix Wikipedia’s definition for them but had it changed back to what
it said originally. If you are a major hater of this company then you know
what I am talking about when I say 4kids must crash and burn to the ground
and have to major fine for ruining great anime when they tried to make them more
American friendly. If this is America where we have freedom of speech and so on
What is wrong with a little upsetting tv. If you do not like whats on just change the
4Kids have decently ruined Ojamajo Doremi by calling it Magical DoReMi and absolutely butchered it with the dubing and translations.
by Al-mal May 12, 2008
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