2 definitions by Aiswinn17

An amazing person. She is funny, smart, clever, the nicest person you will ever ever ever meet, and is gorgeous. I you have a Jen in your life then you are very lucky. She has all the characteristics that a person should have and more. She is an excellent cook and baker. She is perfect, but makes mistakes just like everybody else. She is loved by all. I LOVE HER VERY MUCH!😋😂😄😍😜😎😘
"Dude, that Jen is the nicest person ever!"
by Aiswinn17 June 13, 2017
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The nicest person you have ever met and you would not replace her with anyone else. Although she has left you at "Walmart" and "Toys R Us" once you still love her. You admire her more than anyone else. She takes care of you everyday. She makes the best food and you adore her baking. She makes sure you make the choice that is best for you always. She is supportive in everything that you do and motivates you to achieve your dreams. 😍😁😀😄😊🙃🙂☺️😁😺🐵
by Aiswinn17 June 13, 2017
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