2 definitions by Adilah Dyla Dila

The name Adilah, Dila or Dyla is a beautiful, kind and loving person.
a high-minded woman, will try to get what she wants to succeed. a wasteful shopper but clever looking for money and an opportunity to make money. high profile woman and a person who is good at finding information and a loyal problem solver and good listener. Soft spoken, trustworthy and do not like being deceived. if she knew she would be deceived she would reply back quietly and cruelly, cunning and gentle but firm. can be a very caring and cruel mother too. a faithful person, diligent but follow the mood and like to sleep.
The name Adilah, Dila or Dyla is a beautiful, kind and loving person.
a high-minded woman, will try to get what she wants to succeed. a wasteful shopper but clever looking for money and an opportunity to make money. high profile woman and a person who is good at finding information and a loyal problem solver and good listener. trustworthy and do not like being deceived. if she knew she would be deceived she would reply back quietly and cruelly, cunning and gentle but firm. can be a very caring and cruel mother too. a faithful person, diligent but follow the mood and like to sleep.
by Adilah Dyla Dila December 30, 2017
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The name Adilah, Dila or Dyla is a beautiful, kind and loving person.
a high-minded woman, will try to get what she wants to succeed. a wasteful shopper but clever looking for money and an opportunity to make money. high profile woman and a person who is good at finding information and a loyal problem solver and good listener. trustworthy and do not like being deceived. if she knew she would be deceived she would reply back quietly and cruelly, cunning and gentle but firm. can be a very caring and cruel mother too. a faithful person, diligent but follow the mood and like to sleep.
The name Adilah, Dila or Dyla is a beautiful, kind and loving person.
a high-minded woman, will try to get what she wants to succeed. a wasteful shopper but clever looking for money and an opportunity to make money. high profile woman and a person who is good at finding information and a loyal problem solver and good listener. trustworthy and do not like being deceived. if she knew she would be deceived she would reply back quietly and cruelly, cunning and gentle but firm. can be a very caring and cruel mother too. a faithful person, diligent but follow the mood and like to sleep.
by Adilah Dyla Dila December 30, 2017
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