1 definition by A_Helping_Hand

Alonzo /uh-lan-zo\
(Noun) or (Verb) definition:
1. (n): A person who is almost always if not always late when they set or agree upon a specified time.

Ex: "We said 6:50 for the gym bro, but I know he's gonna be an Alonzo."
2. (v): Telling an individual a certain time and then grossly missing that time by more than an hour.

Ex: "Don't alonzo me bro."
3. Suffix-ing (v): Lying to someone about the time (even when the person considers any extraneous factors).

Ex: "Are you alonzoing me or are you actually gonna be ready by 3."
See above for Alonzo examples.
by A_Helping_Hand July 15, 2016
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