2 definitions by ARG master

#shepherds maze is a crazy game that makes people go crazy when they play it. The idea comes from a blind man who took LSD every day for 40 years and kept a journal about what he experienced. He was homeless and thought up the game in a dream. Players claim that it is addictive and life changing and that they can’t live without it, they are obsessed with solving the last steps of the maze. Since 2006 only 8 players have made it to the last stage but only 3 have solved it and all 3 of those players moved to different countries and changed their names immediately after. #shepherds maze is one of the most mysterious things on the deep web.
Jared, did you know that Tim just solved #shepherds maze right before he moved to New Zealand? He divorced his wife and sold his house and moved, his wife says it has something to do with the maze...
by ARG master June 26, 2018
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#Shepherds maze is An extremely secretive online & real world game that prides itself on being undiscoverable. Basically fight club “the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club”, but mostly online and sometimes linked to mysterious conspiracy theories and government scandals. It seems that some advanced players include government personnel and that highly guarded secrets are often leaked within the game, in exchange for other secrets that can advance the player within “the maze
#shepherds maze is a lifelong commitment. Players never use the hashtag, it’s taboo in the community.

My uncle is a major in the army and he found out some crazy stuff just by playing shepherds maze.
by ARG master June 26, 2018
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