1 definition by AG.

Abbreviation for "U Chat Shit" which I have to repeat a lot to certain people who seriously chat shit, in some cases I have also made out they attend the university of UCS which is imaginary but states they might as well study chatting shit as they are so good at it
Pete: "Did you know they took gullable out the dictionary?"
John: "No they didn't"
Pete: "Yes they did"
John: "No they didn't"
Pete: "Yes they did"
John: "No they didn't"
Pete: "Yes they did"
John: "No they didn't"
Pete: "Yes they did"
John: "No they didn't"
Pete: "Yes they did"
John: "No they didn't"
Pete: "Yes they did"
John: "No they didn't"
Pete: "Yes they did"
John: "U C S"
by AG. August 21, 2005
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