1 definition by ABunchOfOats
She’s perfect, but she won’t admit it. Because for how beautiful and charming and funny and sexy and caring as she is, she’s equally as sweet and humble. She’ll have the best smile you’ve ever seen (so wonderful it’s probably been voted the best) and you’ll do absolutely anything to see her smile. You’ll do things you never used to do. You’ll dance on tables. You’ll buy stupid gifts. Cause all these things feel different when you’re doing them with her. You’ll get lost in her beautiful dark eyes. She’ll make you never want to leave her. You’ll pretend to miss an exit just to ride in the car with her a little longer. You’ll stay up till 5:00 am in a parking garage talking to her. Your favorite thing to do will be doing nothing with her. Camila is absolutely perfect in every way.
by ABunchOfOats March 2, 2020