6 definitions by A11an

An interjection often used in a sarcastic sense to overplay the greatness of a situation/accomplishment/ statement of another.
Jessie: "I'm going hiking this weekend and you don't get to go."

Allan: "Zoomerang!"
by A11an May 8, 2008
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An interjection often used in a sarcastic sense to overplay the greatness of a situation/accomplishment/ statement of another.
Jessie: "I'm going hiking this weekend and you don't get to go."

Allan: "Zoomerang!"
by A11an May 10, 2008
Get the Zoomerang mug.
An interjection often used in a sarcastic sense to overplay the greatness of a situation/accomplishment/ statement of another.
Jessie: "I'm going hiking this weekend and you don't get to go."

Allan: "Zoomerang!"
by A11an May 9, 2008
Get the zoomerang mug.
An interjection often used in a sarcastic sense to overplay the greatness of a situation/accomplishment/statement of another.
Jessie: "I'm going hiking this weekend and you don't get to go."

Allan: "Zoomerang!"
by A11an May 6, 2008
Get the zoomerang mug.
An interjection often used in a sarcastic sense to overplay the greatness of a situation/accomplishment/ statement of another.
Jessie: "I'm going hiking this weekend and you don't get to go."

Allan: "Zoomerang!"
by A11an May 9, 2008
Get the zoomerang mug.
An interjection often used in a sarcastic sense to overplay the greatness of a situation/accomplishment/ statement of another.
Jessie: "I'm going hiking this weekend and you don't get to go."

Allan: "Zoomerang!"
by A11an May 8, 2008
Get the zoomerang mug.