1 definition by A silly little girl

A game to make me stop having any thoughts of Morrowind.
Also- A good way to make me feel special in which YOU CAN TURN INTO A FREAKING BEAR.
A game in which the player may not go outside for weeks at a time, even if they are a chick, (as the writer of this example is) all Normal social interactions (That I am assuming you've had) wear away, and you become frustrated by a Hermit named Abercrombie who wants waaaaayyy too many things from the graveyard that he lives in.

For some, (Such as this writer) you may become addicted to it in mental, and physical ways, unable to concentrate in school, at home, or at work (If You have a job) due to the searing pain of not having access to your World of Warcraft. You may become easily distracted when people say simple phrases, and be led into other internet terms that will confuse others. Such as, "I wanna borrow that" "Top! I wanna borrow that top." And then realizing that you are not with a fellow internet addict, being embarrased, and walking away.
And furthermore realising that you are not, Sythindiå, Of the Sin'Dorei.
by A silly little girl July 11, 2008
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