1 definition by A Northern Soul

A Quimby is someone who is a total twat. No matter how much of a gimp / loser the Quimby in question is, they will always think they are a cut above. A Quimby is someone who holds their coffee mug with both hands in a cradle like fashion in a way you would on freezing cold day in order to warm your hands. However, the Quimby holds his / her mug like this all the fucking time even in the midst of summer when every other cunt is sweating their tits off.

A Quimby will not engage in full group conversation and will adopt a too cool for school attitude in such a situation, especially if the rest of the participants are having a laugh and joke.
A Quimby is a miserable twat who likes to hang around by themselves as they perceive themselves to be better than everyone else.
A Quimby jogs to work but refuses to have a shower so everyone else has to put up with his / her stinking attitude as well as stinking armpits.
A Quimby is someone who is quiet around normal folk, but as soon as his / her boss is on the scene goes on a full on charm offensive which usually results in the Quimby and the boss been alone together in the end and a full on rimming session will them commence.
A Quimby is someone you wanna bitch slap everytime they speak.
Fred:'I caught Quimby earlier with his tongue lapping round the gaffers brown eye.'
Jim: ' the pricks always doing it man.'
by A Northern Soul September 13, 2013
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