1 definition by 95Mustang

a tasteless person who puts a lot of stickers of performance brands all over the car(even though he doesn't have any of those under the hood) a person with 22 inch chrome rims on a civic, with painted dashes, fart pipes, a giant banch on the trunk so that you can sit on it, and really low body kit that makes the car look lower but the suspensioon is still stock and on every turn the car is about to flip. Almost forgot they have lambo doors, that sounds so stupid. just think of it, "lambo" which comes from lamborghini is compared to a civic. i'm not against import cars, but some of them makes me sick
yesterday i saw a ricer, the guy was driving around the schoool with one lambo door open because probably he had enough money for only one door hinge, if he hits the gas to 1500rpm it made that noise that probably people from a neighboring state could hear it, the body kit was so low that wheels warn't tauching the ground
V-tech - all that noise and none of the power
by 95Mustang July 27, 2008
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