1 definition by 9001-mudkipz

The first Japanese female Vocaloid, and essentially the first Vocaloid Meiko was created by Crypton Future Media. She has a very strong voice, and does not(and really shouldn't) sound "cute", so when Hatsune Miku was released, her popularity went down, and it just kept on getting worse and worse. Eventually, there was even a fanmade version called "Sakine Meiko" to try and get her popularity back!

Anyway, Meiko honestly has some of the best Vocaloid songs I've heard(Snow Rabbit/Yuki Usagi, Accordion in the Golden Sunset, Far Side of The Sky, ect. By the way, these are all subbed.) so if you've never heard of her, you should check her out.
Dude One: Have you ever heard of Hatsune Miku? She's amazing!
Dude Two: Yeah, but I like Meiko more. She was released first and I like her voice more.
Dude One: ...Alright, then.
by 9001-mudkipz October 25, 2011
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