1 definition by 4serviceplan

1. the female human being who"shazams" you( distinguished from man). a chicarooni

2. a female who has "kryptonite" powers. a super power puff chicarooni

3. a female slapstick with quick silly playfulness. a fun chicarooni

4. a bestest honey. a praised chicarooni

5. the nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to incredible she turns every head with her smile.

6. a sweetheart or darling; adorably cute.
7. a baby girl that is adorable her entire life while melting hearts.
8. One that has adorable /gorgeous fun children.
9.) she is blessed by bringing love and happiness to all.
As thy lady grows her beauty everyday she shows a smile to all and all throughout the land she is thy hearts beating mile while emitting such light this day comes near her prince will arrive and be filled with grand cheer

a chicarooni that is who she is..
by 4serviceplan August 13, 2010
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