1 definition by 2and26

A salutation or war cry: shared primarily among the native peoples of a small region of the southeastern United States. Often used as a greeting among fellow persons of their group (pack); has found little effect as a war cry (rally) cry as it has not been effective in telling the "DOGS" exactly where they are to be going.

The incorrect spelling of the salutation (war/rally cry) is very often overlooked due to the expected diminished intellectual capacity of this group(pack).

The group (pack) is easily identified as in the autumn the pack takes on a red and black plumage.

The technological advancements of the group (pack) have been greatly diminished as they are perpetually stuck in 1980.
Ronald Reagan is doing a great job as president.


I'm glad so many people were able to escape the eruption of Mount Saint Helens.


LOOK!! We sacked Tua!!

by 2and26 September 20, 2018
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